Our therapeutic approach for working with youth is based on an understanding that children want to do well, they want to succeed academically and socially, and strive for positive regard from the adults around them. We utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBTs), which have been identified as empirically supported, top treatments for various problems in childhood and adulthood. CBT is usually short-term, and focuses on ways that a young person’s thoughts, emotions, body sensations and behaviors are connected, and affect one another. We strive to create a fun, collaborative dynamic in the room that engages the children/teens we work with, and empowers them to make adaptive and prosocial changes. They’ll learn practical tools for handling difficult thoughts and feelings that they can apply in various situations in their daily lives to achieve their goals. Together, we’ll work on building their strength and confidence to approach challenging situations, and see for themselves that they can overcome obstacles that in the past may have gotten in the way for them.
When working with children, parents are often involved in the treatment. The amount of parental involvement depends on the age of the child as well as the nature of the problems being experienced by the child and the family. Typically, we will work on a more individual basis with older children, while treatment of younger children will benefit from more parental involvement. As a parent, we may work with you on overseeing your child’s treatment, such that you can reinforce the skills that your child may be learning. We may also discuss involving your child’s school when it might be beneficial to collaborate as a team with them in support of your child’s treatment goals.